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Primary School

Where children come first


Beaumont Class - Year 3

What is Greece like?

What Pupils will be Learning About


Mathematics: Fractions and Mass Capacity.


Geography – What is Greece like?

-Locate Greece on a Map of Europe

-Name at least five other European Countries and their Capital cities

-Explore the physical and human features of Greece 

-Identify differences between living in the UK and Greece


DT -   Food, Healthy and varied diet. To create Hummus  and Greek themed frittatas.

PSHE -  Relationships 

Music  -  Mr Miles – Ganelan 

RE –  What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?

Modern Foreign Languages – Explore flavours of Ice-cream and desserts. 

PE - Tennis  & Kwik Cricket 



Key Vocabulary Geography








East West



Capital city – Athens





Computing: Branching databases

Branching Databases. Create a branching database. Explain why it is helpful for a database to be well structured.




Book: The Boy who Grew Dragons and 

•Discuss and clarify the meanings of words

•Listen to and discuss a wide range of fiction & plays

•Identify how language, structure, and presentation contribute to meaning

•Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions

•Justify inferences with evidence

•Predict what might happen from details stated

•Increase their familiarity with a wide range of books including myths and legends, and retell some of these orally

•Retrieve and record information from a fiction text.



Diary, Play scripts:  Myths and Legends. 



Things you could do at home


•Reading with your child everyday; this could be comics, sports pages, magazines, it doesn’t have to be just books.

•Ensure children practice their times tables. This could be using Times table Rockstars.

•Pupils will be bringing spellings home this term; practicing these with your children it could really benefit your child in improving their spelling.

•Use the discussion point images to create a conversation about the topic.


Discussion points


There are The Greek islands are the main characteristic of Greece's morphology and an integral part of the country's culture across the ages. The country includes 6,000 islands and islets scattered in the Greek Seas, of which only 227 islands are inhabited

Term 4 - Why do tourists visit the UK?

What Pupils will be Learning About


Geography – Know the names of at least five European countries and their capital cities including the vast ways of living.

Science - Plants

DTTextiles - 2-D shape to 3-D product

PSHE –'Healthy Me'  

Music  - Recorders. 

RE – Why are festivals important to religious communities? 

Computing – Creating media - animation

Modern Foreign Languages – French – Comptines et Chansons (Nursery Rhymes).

PE, for Reeve – Swimming and Multi-skills

       for Bell – Multi-skills and Tag rugby. 


Length and perimeter




Listen to and discuss their class text.
Discuss, explore and clarify the meanings of words 
Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination   
Develop comprehension of a range of text including: poetry, fiction and non –fiction



A walk in London – 'Faction' text

Writing a diary entry. 



Key Vocabulary


world map 











Things you could do at home


Reading with your child everyday; this could be comics, sports pages, magazines, it doesn’t have to be just books.
Ensure children practice their times tables. This could be using Times table Rockstars.
Pupils will be bringing spellings home this term; practicing these with your children it could really benefit your child in improving their spelling.
Use the discussion point images to create a conversation about the topic.


Year 3 Term 3, Why do tourists visit the UK?

What Pupils will be Learning About

Discussion Points


Geography – Why do tourists visit the U.K?

Science - Plants

Art -  Telling stories through drawing and marking

Drawing, sculpture, sketchbooks

PSHE -  Dreams and Goals

Music  -

RE –  Why do people pray? 

Christianity and Islam

Computing – Branching Databases.

Create a branching database. 

Explain why it is helpful for a database to be well structured.

Modern Foreign Languages – Les Couleurs et le numbres.

This term PE, for Bell class – They will need their swimming kits for Monday afternoon.

Reeve  Monday and Thursdays - Dance (Unit 1) & Tag Rugby. 



Key Vocabulary

Human Geography

Physical Geography












Leon and the place between by Angela McAllister 

The Boy who grew dragons by Andy Shepherd

Listen to and discuss their class text.
Discuss, explore and clarify the meanings of words 
Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination   
Develop comprehension of a range of text including: poetry, fiction and non –fiction


Poetry – haiku/cinquain/shape

Write a narrative based on George and the Dragon



Things you could do at home

Reading with your child everyday; this could be comics, sports pages, magazines, it doesn’t have to be just books.
Ensure children practice their times tables. This could be using Times table Rockstars.
Pupils will be bringing spellings home this term; practicing these with your children it could really benefit your child in improving their spelling.
Access Times Tables Rockstars!
Use the discussion point images to create a conversation about the topic.

