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Primary School

Where children come first


Littler Class - Year 1

Term 5 Who were Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II?

What Pupils will be Learning About

History –  Who were Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II?

Science - Animals Identify and classify. Habitats and environments

Art -  Working in three dimensions. Making birds, Sculpture, Drawing and collage

PSHE -  Relationships

Music  - Pitch and tempo. Theme-Superheroes

RE – What does it mean to belong to a faith community?

Computing –  Moving a robot.


This term PE is Run, Jump, Throw and Attack, defend and shoot.




Addition and subtraction within 20.

Place value within 50

Multiplication and division


Science Unit


Classify animals, carnivore, herbivore, omnivore.

Classify animals amphibians, fish birds and mammals.

Sort living and non living things.



Key Vocabulary


Birds                Fish 

Amphibians   Reptiles

Mammals       Herbivore

Carnivore   Invertebrate




Monarchy  Coronation

Reign   Royal   Queen

King   Prince   Princess

Timeline  Orb  Sceptre

Throne  Blessing

Family tree




Children will have 2 reading sessions weekly, reading a decodable book in line with their Phonic knowledge

Decode and blend key vocabulary from the text.
Discuss the meaning of key vocabulary from the text to ensure understanding 
Decode and blend sentences in the book independently and with an adult on a one to one basis   
Rehearse reading text in the book, working towards reading with fluency
Answer questions and discuss the text to ensure comprehension


To write sentences starting with a capital letter and ending with a  full stop.
To form letters correctly and keep their handwriting neat
To use their Phonic knowledge to inform their spelling choices.

Things you could do at home


Reading with your child everyday; this could be comics, sports pages, magazines, it doesn’t have to be just books.
Ensure children practice their times tables. This could be using Times table Rockstars.
Pupils will be bringing spellings home this term; practicing these with your children it could really benefit your child in improving their spelling.
Use the discussion point images to create a conversation about the topic.


Discussion points



Term 4 - Pole to Pole

What Pupils will be Learning About


Geography –  Studying weather in the UK


Science -  Animals and their habitats


Art -  Collaboration and community. Inspired by Flora and Fauna. Drawing, collage, sketchbooks


PSHE -  Healthy Me


Music  - Timbre and rhythmic patterns

Theme Fairy tales


RE – How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times, (Easter)


Computing – Technology around us,

                         Programming – moving a robot


PE – Dance (Unit 2) - Attack Defend Shoot (Unit 1) 

This term PE for Year 1 will be on Wednesday (indoor) and  Friday (outdoor). 




Place Value within 20

Addition and Subtraction within 20

Place Value within 50

Length and Height

Mass and Volume





Children will have 2 reading sessions weekly, reading a decodable book in line with their Phonic knowledge

•Decode and blend key vocabulary from the text.

•Discuss the meaning of key vocabulary from the text to ensure understanding 

•Decode and blend sentences in the book independently and with an adult on a one to one basis   

•Rehearse reading text in the book, working towards reading with fluency

•Answer questions and discuss the text to ensure comprehension


•To write sentences starting with a capital letter and ending with a  full stop.

•To form letters correctly and keep their handwriting neat

•To use their Phonic knowledge to inform their spelling choices.


Key Vocabulary


Birds                Fish 

Amphibians   Reptiles

Mammals       Herbivore

Carnivore       Invertebrates



Inuit             Custom

Depend        Provider

Pleading       Sleek

Spare         Bitterly



Things you could do at home


•Reading with your child everyday; firstly their decodable reading book, shared reading book and then comics, sports pages, magazines, it doesn’t have to be just books.

•Ensure children practice counting forwards and backwards to 20 and then 50.

•Practice writing numbers to 20 correctly and then to 50

•Practice writing their letters correctly using neat handwriting with letters sitting on the writing line


Science Unit

Animals and Humans.

Know the names of the parts of the human body that can be seen.

The five senses.

Classify animals, carnivore, herbivore, omnivore.

Classify animals amphibians, fish birds and mammals.

Sort living and non living things

Year 1 Term 3, Why does Aylesham exist?

What Pupils will be Learning About


Discussion Point


History – Why does Aylesham exist?

Science -  Animals and their habitats

Art Working in three dimensions

PSHE -  Dreams and Goals

Music  - Musical Vocabulary

RE – What makes some places sacred?

Computing – Programming – moving a robot

PE – Gymnastics, Hit Catch Run


This term PE for Year 1 will be on Wednesday (indoor) and  Friday (outdoor).



Animals and Humans

Know the names of the parts of the human body that can be seen.

The five senses.

Classify animals, carnivore, herbivore, omnivore.

Classify animals amphibians, fish birds and mammals.

Sort living and non living things.


Key Vocabulary


Birds                Fish

Amphibians   Reptiles

Mammals       Invertebrates


Colliery           Pit

Village            Town

Coal mines    Miners  

Coal field       Choir

Past                Heritage     

Similarities    Differences



We will be finishing addition and moving on to subtraction

Pupils will learn:

Subtraction-take away(how many left?)

Subtraction on a number line.

Add or subtract 1 or 2



Pupils will learn:

To recognise and name 3D shapes

To sort 3D shapes

To recognise and name 2D shapes

To sort 2D shapes

To look at patterns with 2D and 3D shapes



Children will have 2 reading sessions weekly, reading a decodable book in line with their Phonic knowledge

Decode and blend key vocabulary from the text.
Discuss the meaning of key vocabulary from the text to ensure understanding 
Decode and blend sentences in the book independently and with an adult on a one to one basis   
Rehearse reading text in the book, working towards reading with fluency
Answer questions and discuss the text to ensure comprehension


To write sentences starting with a capital letter and ending with a  full stop.
To form letters correctly and keep their handwriting neat
To use their Phonic knowledge to inform their spelling choices.
Things you could do at home
Reading with your child everyday;fFirstly their decodable reading book this could be comics, sports pages, magazines, it doesn’t have to be just books.
Ensure children practice counting forwards and backwards to 20 and then 50.
Practice writing numbers to 20 correctly
Practice writing their letters correctly using neat handwriting with letters sitting on the writing line




Useful links and Ideas





We use the White Rose maths scheme in school so this link will help you all to look at your next steps in learning.

This site covers both Maths and Literacy.



Resources and Learning Games 




Range of resources for creative science activities

Fantastic ways of helping you look like scientists.



Practical projects to learn about wildlife and trees. A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location! 



A free app to help children to improve their skills in directional language, programming sequences of forwards, backwards, left and right 90 degree turns. 


Art and Design


Creative art and craft activities



Easy arts and crafts 

