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Primary School

Where children come first


Hamilton Class - Year 4

Year 4 Term 5

How did the Ancient Egyptians change the world?

What Pupils will be Learning About


Science -  Sound

Art -  Festival Feasts

PSHE -  Relationships

Music  - Ukeleles

RE –  What can we learn from religion about deciding what is right or wrong?

Computing –  Photo Editing

Modern Foreign Languages – Animals


This term PE is Tennis and Netball





Tenths and hundredths as fractions and decimals

Dividing by ten and hundred

Partitioning decimals

Comparing decimals

Ordering decimals

Rounding to whole numbers

Halves and quarters as decimals



Key Vocabulary



Canopic jars










The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo

Identify themes and conventions in a wide range of books, ask questions to improve their understanding of a text, justify inferences with evidence, predict what might happen from details stated, participate in discussion about both books that are read to them and those they can read for themselves



Biography - Cleopatra

Informal letter



Things you could do at home


Reading with your child everyday; this could be comics, sports pages, magazines, it doesn’t have to be just books.
Ensure children practice their times tables. This could be using Times table Rockstars.

Use the discussion point images to create a conversation about the topic.


Discussion points

Term 4 - How did the Ancient Egyptians change the world?

What Pupils will be Learning About


History – How did the Ancient Egyptians change the world?

Science -  Animals including humans

DT - Complex structures – pneumatics    

PSHE -  Healthy me

Music  - Haiku, music and performance

RE – Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?

Computing – Data Logging

Modern Foreign Languages – Seasons


This term for PE: 

Indoor: Dance

Outdoor: Netball




Length and perimeter – including finding equivalent lengths in kilometres and metres and calculating the perimeter of different shapes. 

Fractions – including mixed numbers and improper fractions. Also adding and subtracting fractions.

Children will continue to consolidate all of their times tables facts




Book – Secrets of a Sun King

Listen to and discuss their class text.
Discuss, explore and clarify the meanings of words 
Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination   
Develop comprehension of a range of texts including: poetry, fiction and non –fiction



Narrative in a historical setting – Egyptian Cinderella
Explanation text

Key Vocabulary



Canopic jars









Things you could do at home


Reading with your child everyday; this could be comics, sports pages, magazines, it doesn’t have to be just books.
Ensure children practice their times tables. This could be using Times table Rockstars.
Pupils will be bringing times tables home this term; practicing these with your children it could really benefit your child in improving their maths.
Use the discussion point images to create a conversation about the topic. 
Discussion Points

Term 3

Why do cities grow near rivers? 

What Pupils will be Learning About


Geography – Why do cities grow near rivers? 

Science - Animals including humans

Art -  Working in 3d – The art of display

PSHE -  Dreams and goals

Music  - Changes in pitch, tempo and dynamics.

RE – Why do some people think that life is like a journey?

Computing –  Audio production

Modern Foreign Languages – Seasons


This term PE, for Gymnastics and Cricket




Multiplication and division – including factors, multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100, written multiplication and division


Length and perimeter – using the kilometres and metres


Children will continue to consolidate all of their times tables facts




Book Song of the Dolphin Boy


Listen to and discuss their class text.
Discuss, explore and clarify the meanings of words 
Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination   
Develop comprehension of a range of text including; poetry, fiction and non –fiction



Pupils will be learning to write a Non-Chronological report and will be identifying and using the features of a Non-Chronological report.
Pupils will be learning to write poetry using figurative language.

Key Vocabulary

Water cycle [evaporation, precipitation, condensation]






Reservoir/ dam

Drainage basin

Flood plain




Things you could do at home


Reading with your child everyday; this could be comics, sports pages, magazines, it doesn’t have to be just books.
Ensure children practice their times tables. This could be using Times table Rockstars.
Pupils will be bringing times tables home this term; practicing these with your children it could really benefit your child in improving their maths.
Use the discussion point images to create a conversation about the topic. 
Discussion Points 

Term 2 Overview

During term 2 pupils will be learning:




Pupils will learn; ​

What area is​

Compare areas of simple shapes​

Calculate area of shapes with squares​


Multiplication and Division​

Pupils will explore;​

Multiples of 3​

X and ÷ by 6​

6 times table and division​

X and ÷ by 9​

9 times table and division​

X and ÷ by 7​

7 times table and division facts​



Book the land of Roar​

  • Listen to and discuss their class text.​

  • Discuss, explore and clarify the meanings of words ​

  • Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination   ​

  • Develop comprehension of a range of text including: poetry, fiction and non –fiction​



  • Pupils will be learning to write in the style of a newspaper report, and will be identifying and using the features of a newspaper report.​

  • Pupils will be learning to write poetry using figurative language.


Key Vocabulary​


Epicenter ​


Pyroclastic flow​

Tectonic plate​

Fault line​


Condensation ​





In other subjects

Geography - volcanoes and earthquakes​

Science - states of matter​

Art - Print, colour and collage​

PSHE - Celebrating differences​

Music - Body and tuned percussion​

RE - why are festivals important to religious communities?​

Computing - The Internet​

Modern Foreign Languages – Greetings and I can…​

PE – Dodgball, Gymnastics, OAA​

This term PE, for Cotrell-Boyce Class, will be on Monday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor). ​

Butler Class PE will be Tuesday (indoor) and Thursdays (outdoor)​



Reading with your child everyday: this could be comics, sports pages, magazines, it doesn’t have to be just books.​


Ensure children practice their times tables. This could be using Times table Rockstars.​ Please use the link below to log into Times Table Rockstars. Use the website to master your times tables. 


Pupils will be bringing spellings home this term; practicing these with your children it could really benefit your child in improving their spelling.​


Use the discussion point images to create a conversation about the topic. 
