We recognise that the use of new technologies presents particular challenges and risks to children both inside and outside of school. We are keen to hear families’ views and experiences in order to develop pupil’s online safety awareness at school, in the home as well as in the wider community. We are proud to work along side the National Online Safety group we have recently been accredited with their certified school status.
Aylesham Primary School will ensure a comprehensive curriculum response to enable all pupils/students to learn about and manage the associated risks effectively and will support parents and the school community (including all members of staff) to become aware and alert to the needs of keeping children safe online
Please see our Online Safety Policy HERE for full details.
Searching the Web
Searching the web is something that has the potential to produce results that may not be suitable - to help eliminate this problem, this handy search tool is aimed at children of a primary age to help protect them whilst using the internet.
Other Useful Guidance
Useful Information
The internet has changed all of our lives, particularly our children’s. For parents and carers this opens up a whole new world of things to be aware of. For many of us, this can all be a bit too much. You might be struggling to keep up with the things your child is doing online, you might wonder whether what they are doing is safe, and you might also be thinking how can I be as good a parent online as I am offline? These websites are really useful.
CEOP helps any child or young person under the age of 18 who is being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity of any kind. This can be something that has taken place either online or in ‘the real world’, or both. The CEOP Safety Centre has clear information and advice on what can be reported to CEOP, the reporting process and what will happen if you do decide to make a report. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the Click CEOP button