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Primary School

Where children come first


Physical Education

Physical Education at Aylesham Primary School


Aylesham is committed to developing excellence in Physical Education and achieves the target of 2hrs of physical activity each week. Our aim is to give every child, every chance to be active and informed about the importance of living a healthy life.


Aylesham Primary School offers a varied Physical Education and School Sport programme for every child. Incorporated within our PE curriculum are chances for pupils to develop creativity, flexibility, strength, balance, control, competitiveness and co-operation skills through challenges in teams and as individuals. 


Through delivery of the PE curriculum, we will ensure that we: eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. 




Through Physical Education we endeavour to promote our Core Values and for the children to achieve:


  • Teamwork, Creativity, Flying High and Resilience
  • Co-operation
  • Realistic and positive self-image
  • Practical knowledge about exercise
  • Satisfaction and enjoyment
  • Healthy exercise
  • Range of transferable skills
  • Effective body management
  • Confidence


The Child and the Learning Process


Aims and Purposes

PE offers opportunities for children to:


  • Become skilled and intelligent performers.
  • Acquire and develop skills, performing with increasing physical competence and confidence, in a range of physical activities and contexts.
  • Learn how to select and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas to suit activities that need different approaches and ways of thinking.
  • Develop their ideas in a creative way.
  • Set targets for themselves and compete against others, individually and as team members.
  • Understand what it takes to persevere, succeed and acknowledge other’s success.
  • Respond to a variety of challenges in a range of physical contexts and environments.
  • Take the initiative, lead activities and focus on improving aspects of their own performances.
  • Discover their own aptitudes and preferences for different activities.
  • Make informed decisions about the importance of exercise in their lives.
  • Develop positive attitudes to participation in physical activity.



The PE curriculum is mapped out for every class and is wide-ranging and builds upon previous learning from year to year.  It is accessible to, and aims to meet the needs and interests of all pupils. Children enjoy lessons in gymnastics, dance, competitive games (sport specific), skills of throwing caching jumping and running, athletics, OAA, swimming and alternative sports such as Ultimate Frisbee and Tchoukball.


Learning and Communication

Children have the opportunity to develop their language skills through working with others to plan and evaluate work, use correct terminology to pass information on to others, read diagrams, maps and instructions, and extract information about techniques and skills that they can use. Children can extract information from the internet about where they can get involved in physical activities and sport.


PSHE and Citizenship

Children have the opportunities to work closely with others, cooperate and collaborate with others, develop an understanding of fair play and fairness through knowing and applying rules and conventions, develop a positive attitude towards the environments and their own health, learn to recognize and value physical differences.


Core Values

The following Values are promoted throughout our curriculum and all learning experiences: Teamwork; Resilience; Creativity and flying High.


Equal Opportunities and Race Relations

Aylesham Primary School adopts an equal opportunities policy. Our aim is to ensure that all our pupils participate in PE lessons and extra-curricular activities regardless of race, gender, class and ability.


Special Needs


Special needs may be a result of:


  • Sensory difficulty
  • Physical difficulty
  • Cognitive Limitations
  • Emotional Disorders
  • Behavioral Disorders


Aylesham Primary School believes that all children should be included and given the opportunity to participate. It is important to focus on the pupil’s abilities and needs. This emphasis aims to improve their movement skills and helps to change feelings of disaffection, under achievement and low self-esteem.  Lessons are planned to include all pupils on a sound knowledge of their abilities.  This involves breaking down an activity into a series of small achievable steps. The pupil should make gradual progress at each stage to overall success as the whole skill is learned.



Our PE Curriculum Overview
