Forest School
September 2024
As you may have seen, we are very excited about the start of forest school next term and are determined to be outside whatever the weather!
In order to keep uniforms and school shoes clean, children will change into ‘forest school kit’ for their forest school session each week.
Please send a named jumper and joggers/ trousers to school with named waterproofs and wellies at the beginning of term for your child to wear to forest school every week. These will be sent home again at the end of each term – unless your child gets particularly filthy one week so we send kit home for a freshen up!
Your child will need to be warm and dry….waterproofs and fleecy layers work best such as below:
Many thanks indeed for your help getting your little people outside as much as possible.
The fire pit has arrived and the canopy has been ordered, we now need lots of lovely resources to fill it.
Our Forest School Leader has created an amazon wish list of resources and any donations would be extremely gratefully received. If you already have any items on the wish list that you no longer need we would also appreciate gifts of any second hand items!